

Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia (A-B-I) as a non-profit organization aims to mobilize and organize Blockchain technology actors in creating a quality business environment that spurs the understanding, utilization, progress and competitiveness of Blockchain technology, in conjunction with the 4.0 industry revolution, both at the national and international levels. By members for members.


Socialization to the wider society and business actors related to Blockchain technology and 4.0 industry revolution, so as to gain an optimal understanding and utilization.
Assessment, formulation, and policy advocacy to government and non-government institutions for the creation of regulatory systems that support the growth and development of the highly competitive Blockchain technology in Indonesia.

Get Certified in the World of Blockchain with Our Exclusive Class

Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your understanding, ABI offers practical insights into blockchain technology, trading strategies, and market trends.

Our Members


Our Partners


Government Partners


Honorary Members


Prof. Dr. Meyliana, S.Kom., M.M

Professor of Information Systems


Ir. Budi Rahardjo MSc., PhD

PPAU Mikroelektronika ITB IDCERT & dosen Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan pengusaha di bidang teknologi informatika (TI)


Dr. Andry Alamsyah, S.Si., M.Sc

Director of Digital Business Ecosystem Research Center Telkom University


Setiadi Yazid, Ph.D

Head of Center for Cyber Security and Cryptography, Universitas Indonesia (CCSC-UI)


Prof. Dr. Ir. Yandra Arkeman, M. Eng.

Professor in Agroindustrial Technology



Singapore Fintech Festival 2024

6 November 2024

Experience the 9th edition of the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF)—the ultimate gathering for Heads of State, policymakers, financial leaders, founders, investors, and tech experts. Last year, over 66,000 participants from 150 countries joined, making it the world’s most impactful FinTech festival. Organized by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Elevandi, and Constellar in collaboration with the Association of Banks in Singapore. Don't miss out! 6 - 8 November 2024   📍 Singapore Expo Reserve your spot here! [SFFCPABI](https://bit.ly/SFFCPABI) and use this code to get exciting discounts: SFFCPABI For more details, visit: [Home | Singapore Fintech Festival](https://www.fintechfestival.sg/)


Digital Transformation Summit

16 October 2024

Get ready to experience the 32nd Digital Transformation Summit in Indonesia, where over 2,000 leaders from business, government, and institutions will gather to tackle the game-changing theme: "Innovate. Collaborate. Disrupt: Indonesia’s DX Revolution." Don’t miss your chance to engage in cutting-edge discussions, gain exclusive insights, and connect with top-tier professionals driving Indonesia’s digital future! 16-17 Oct 2024 at The Ritz Carlton, Mega Kuningan Let’s shape the future together! #DXRevolution #DigitalTransformation


Indonesia Blockchain Conference 2024

22 August 2024

Join to our first offline event, featuring high level regulators, various countries leaders, and industry experts at Indonesia Blockchain Conferences (IBC), an official side event of Coinfest Asia 2024. Gain insight in our panel discussions with covering topics such as: ​Panel Session 1: New Money Tech: Game-Changer or Total Mess? ​Panel Session 2: Crypto Frenzy: The Global Buzz and Drama ​Panel Session 3: Blockchain Regs: Riding the Rollercoaster of Change ​⏰ : 09:30 AM - 13:30 PM WITA GMT+08 📍 : Oasis at Nuanu City Secure your pass through this link: [Coinfest Asia 2024](https://coinfest.asia/) and don’t miss this prime networking opportunity!

Board of Directors

Supervisory Board

Oscar Darmawan-img

Oscar Darmawan

Yos Ginting-img

Yos Ginting

Ethics Councils

Teguh Kurniawan Harmanda-img

Teguh Kurniawan Harmanda

Pandu Sastrowardoyo-img

Pandu Sastrowardoyo

Duwi Sudarto Putra-img

Duwi Sudarto Putra